Isnin, 27 Januari 2014

What You Drink Says A Lot About You

What you drink says a lot about you, according to clinical psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula, who is also the author of lifestyle book, You Are WHY You Eat: Change Your Food Attitude, Change Your Life.

According to the good doctor, black coffee drinkers were found to be "no-nonsense" individuals and straightforward. They liked to keep things simple, could be quiet and moody, and were set in their ways. Being abrupt and dismissive were also common personality traits.

Whereas latte drinkers tend to be more neurotic and eager to please people; they're happy to go out of their way to help others - but didn't take great care of themselves. On the opposite scale of the latte drinkers are those who makes sure their coffee is double-decaffeinated but must have extra-foam - stay clear; they're obsessive, controlling and detail-oriented.

Instant coffee drinkers had a greater likelihood of being procrastinators, were too laid back and were likely to put things off. People who like sweet drinks such as frozen and blended coffees were trendsetters; these drinkers are considered "socially bold" and forever "young at heart", however, they don't always make healthy choices and could be reckless! /SEMPOI

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