Ahad, 23 Februari 2014

Psychologist Claims Where You Sit in a Cinema Reveals Your Personality!

According to psychologist Hiromi Mizuki, where you sit in a cinema reveals your personality!

If you choose a seat in the centre of the cinema directly in front of the screen, you are confident and decisive. (These seats are traditionally considered to be the best in the house.)

If you choose a seat at the back of the cinema with the screen directly in front of you, you are a calm and collected person. However, Mizuki also says this could also be that you may be slightly timid and afraid of being influenced by others.

If you choose a seat on the front row with the screen directly in front of you, it means you love sociable activity and being around others.

If your choice of seat is in the middle row with the screen slightly off-centre, you crave personal space and would only mix with people you feel you can be yourself.

But if you choose one of the seats in the cinema's back corners means you're the kind of person who wants to know everything that's going on but don't have the confidence to get involved yourself.

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